Peer Review Process

The peer review process for the Journal of Emerging Strategies in New Economics is a crucial step in ensuring the quality, relevance, and integrity of the research published in the journal. Here's a detailed overview of the process:

  1. Submission and Initial Screening:
  • Upon submission, manuscripts undergo an initial screening by the editorial team to ensure they adhere to the journal's guidelines and focus areas. Submissions that meet the journal's criteria proceed to the peer review stage.
  • Manuscripts that do not meet the journal's scope or quality standards are promptly rejected, and authors are notified of the decision.
  1. Reviewer Assignment:
  • The Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors assign appropriate reviewers to evaluate each manuscript. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, experience, and impartiality in the field of artificial intelligence and fluid dynamics.
  • Reviewers may include researchers, scholars, and practitioners with a deep understanding of the subject matter and relevant methodologies.
  1. Peer Review Process:
  • Reviewers receive detailed guidelines and evaluation criteria to assess the manuscript's originality, methodology, significance, and adherence to ethical standards.
  • Reviewers critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript, providing constructive feedback and recommendations for improvement. They may also suggest revisions, additional analyses, or clarifications.
  • Reviewers assess the manuscript's contribution to advancing knowledge in the intersection of artificial intelligence and fluid dynamics, considering its potential impact and relevance to the field.
  1. Editorial Decision:
  • Based on the reviewers' comments and recommendations, the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors make an editorial decision regarding the manuscript. Possible decisions include acceptance, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection.
  • Manuscripts requiring revisions are returned to the authors along with the reviewers' comments. Authors are given a specific timeframe to address the reviewers' concerns and submit a revised version.
  • Revised manuscripts undergo further evaluation to ensure that all reviewers' concerns have been adequately addressed. Depending on the extent of revisions, manuscripts may be sent back to the original reviewers or additional reviewers.
  1. Final Decision and Publication:
  • Once all reviewers are satisfied with the revisions, the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors make a final decision regarding acceptance for publication.
  • Accepted manuscripts proceed to the production stage, where they undergo copyediting, typesetting, and formatting to meet the journal's standards.
  • The finalized manuscripts are published online and made available to the journal's readership, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in artificial intelligence and fluid dynamics.

The peer review process for the Journal of Emerging Strategies in New Economics ensures that only high-quality research that meets the journal's standards is published, thereby fostering the dissemination of innovative ideas and discoveries in the field.